Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Midterm Portfolio Diploma Of Architecture Sem.6

Seperti yang dah dimaklum pada entry lepas2, site utk projek semseter 6 kali ini aalah di Pekan, Bandar Di-Raja, dan juga bandar kelahiran Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Rentetan pada itu, pada hari ni berlangsung portfolio pertengahan untuk students menerangkan tentang 50% projek rekabentuk diorang.


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Lecture Input:  
Slide 2
The principles of New Urbanism can be applied increasingly to projects at the full range of scales from a single building to an entire community.

1. Walkability

-Most things within a 10-minute walk of home and work
-Pedestrian friendly street design (buildings close to street; porches, windows & doors; tree-lined streets; on street parking; hidden parking lots; garages in rear lane; narrow, slow speed streets)
-Pedestrian streets free of cars in special cases

2. Connectivity

-Interconnected street grid network disperses traffic & eases walking
-A hierarchy of narrow streets, boulevards, and alleys
-High quality pedestrian network and public realm makes walking pleasurable

3. Mixed-Use & Diversity

-A mix of shops, offices, apartments, and homes on site. Mixed-use within neighborhoods, within blocks, and within buildings

-Diversity of people - of ages, income levels, cultures, and races 
Slide 3
4. Mixed Housing
A range of types, sizes and prices in closer proximity

5. Quality Architecture & Urban Design
Emphasis on beauty, aesthetics, human comfort, and creating a sense of place; Special placement of civic uses and sites within community. Human scale architecture & beautiful surroundings nourish the human spirit

6. Traditional Neighborhood Structure
-Public space at center
-Importance of quality public realm; public open space designed as civic art
-Contains a range of uses and densities within 10-minute walk
-Transect planning: Highest densities at town center; progressively less dense towards the edge. The transect is an analytical system that conceptualizes mutually reinforcing elements, creating a series of specific natural habitats and/or urban lifestyle settings. The Transect integrates environmental methodology for habitat assessment with zoning methodology for community design. The professional boundary between the natural and man-made disappears, enabling environmentalists to assess the design of the human habitat and the urbanist to support the viability of nature. This urban-to-rural transect hierarchy has appropriate building and street types for each area along the continuum. 

Slide 4

7. Increased Density
-More buildings, residences, shops, and services closer together for ease of walking, to enable a more efficient use of services and resources, and to create a more convenient, enjoyable place to live.
-New Urbanism design principles are applied at the full range of densities from small towns, to large cities
8. Smart Transportation
-A network of high-quality trains connecting cities, towns, and neighborhoods together
-Pedestrian-friendly design that encourages a greater use of bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, and walking as daily transportation
9. Sustainability
-Minimal environmental impact of development and its operations
-Eco-friendly technologies, respect for ecology and value of natural systems
-Energy efficiency
-Less use of finite fuels
-More local production
-More walking, less driving
10. Quality of Life
Taken together these add up to a high quality of life well worth living, and create places that enrich, uplift, and inspire the human spirit.
 The Project Brief


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

aku dan team building jabatan

20-23 hb Februari 2012 telah berlangsung satu event jabatan yang aku rasakan cukup bermakna kerana sepanjang 3 hari lepas, kita melakukan aktiviti team building bersama2. Aktiviti dijalankan memandangkan cuti semester, tiada students n kelas selama seminggu, so aktiviti 3 hari ni lebih kepada senamrobik, seminar pengurusan stress, membuat painting dan juga aktiviti indoor games termasuk perlawanan bowling......Cukup Seronok!

mana bola nih...

 Inilah team aku, team 2

Inilah dia,15 team, 126 orang staf.... separuh berentap, separuh penyokong...
 Inilah JKA team building - day 2
Sehari sebelum bermula, - painting   

 masing2 buat undercoat dulu....

 Aku, wan n julia dari group yang berbeza...
Sebelum mula, demo dr Kak T 
 Semua orang khusyuk tengok demo dari kak T, sedia untuk conteng2 plak ptg ni, jam 2.30-5 pm..... 4 drawing satu group , 4 feet x 4 feet....so, markah purata akan diambil.....
Kalau ikutkan group aku, ada 6 orang architecture, so takde la masalah sgt nak buat, but 4 tak dtg tinggal la 2 + miza (urusetia).....  

Hari pertama kami mulakan dengan melukis.....  taram jerrr....
dan antara painting yang terhasil....
dan ini....

Setiap group kena siapkan 4 painting dalam masa 2 jam setengah...

Group aku dapat tempat ke-2

Inilah antara hasil kerja Group aku....

 Final touch-up dari aku, last drawing yang aku touch-up....

Painting 2

Painting 3 

Painting 4
Ilham En. Bad asalnya, telah berjaya ditukarkan diatas kanvas..... Alhamdulillah
begitulah adanya, dengan masa 2 jam setengah.....
dan yang paling seronok apabila drawing kita digantung.....
Yang paling best kalau digantung belakang tempat kita, hehehe... (kebetulan aku duduk belakang dinding)...
dan dipamerkan....

.... Last but not least, kengkawanku yang comel2..... thanxs for ur support.... hidup JKA... Civil Engineering Department, POLISAS
